Update from the Rector

Dear friends,


The spread of COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, continues in North Carolina, and especially here in Wake County. The Bishops of the Diocese of North Carolina have issued some very helpful guidance and directives as to how we continue to do church together during this anxious time, remembering especially those most vulnerable to the virus, while staying connected in community during a time of needed “social distancing.”


There will be several changes to our worshiping life together for the next few weeks. We are following the Diocesan directives, as well as taking some additional precautions. Your Vestry will be discussing this at their meeting next week, and additional changes may be still to come.


  1. The Common Cup – Bishop Rodman has suspended the use of the common cup during Eucharist at this time. The risk of infection from the common cup is low; however it is prudent to eliminate this risk all together at this time. From his letter to the Diocese:


“It is well established that communion is complete with the offering of only the host. By                 suspending the use of the common cup for a one-kind Eucharist, you will not be denied               the promise offered by the usual communion of wafer and wine. Eucharist is a moment                      of unity, so not even celebrants will partake of consecrated wine…”

  1. The Peace – We are a warm and caring congregation who loves to greet one another during the Peace! However, at this time, we will restrict our sharing of the peace to a verbal “Peace be with you,” or a simple bow, or saying “peace” sign in American Sign Language.


  1. Passing the Offertory Plates – Rather than multiple hands touching the plates, the offering plates will placed on two tables in the church. You may place your offering in the plates as you enter for worship, during the Peace, or during the offertory time. (This will feel very strange, I know.)


  1. Fellowship – We will not be serving food at fellowship for the time being. Coffee, tea, and lemonade will still be available, and I hope you will continue to come to Estill House after the worship service to spend time together. As much as our treats are tasty, again, it seems prudent to me to lower our risk of contamination by not serving food right now.


  1. Watching the service from home – We are working on live streaming the worship service online so that you may watch the service from home. Visit the Nativity page on Facebook for more information in the next few days. More information via email will be available next week.


Though it pains me to advise anyone to miss church, if you are not feeling well, please do stay home. If you are worried about being exposed to the virus, please stay home. Everyone has a different level of comfort and feeling of safety. Please honor yours, and be compassionate towards others who might feel differently.


Scripture entreats us again and again to be not afraid. However, sometimes the world is a scary place, and anxiety is high right now. Let us continue to care for one another, and pray for creative ways to stay connected as the body of Christ. Let us pray for all the medical professionals who stand at the front line of caring for those affected by illness, for caregivers who bear additional burdens, and for the scientists working for remedy against this virus and all illness. Remember we follow a God who has overcome death, but still sits with us in our sorrow and our pain of our mortality.


Peace be with you,





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