Online Services Survey Results

First of all, a big thank you to the 137 individuals and households who completed the survey distributed to Nativity’s parishioners over three weeks early in September. The survey asked for the congregation’s level of satisfaction with our current online services, and to weigh in on what you would like to see in the future within the constraints of the pandemic and Diocesan guidelines. It was good to hear that 84% of the respondents are satisfied with the current online services.

Many suggested changes have already been heard and accomplished, and are continuing. For example:

  •  In response to concerns about accessing the online services, the prerecorded services are now posted on both Facebook and YouTube, and this week there is a   third option to access the videos via  the Nativity website, which you can view without the requirement for a Facebook login.
  • Words of the readings and responses are now being projected in the videos to enhance your worship experience.
  • Words of the hymns are now being projected in the videos, to enable you to sing along with more familiar hymns.
  • Variety in musical styles and instruments is now being added to the online services.
  • 66% of respondents indicated they would like to attend outdoor in-person services, and 61% would be comfortable receiving Holy Eucharist. And it was so! Three communion services are now held outdoors each Sunday, with attendance limited by Diocesan rules.

The dominant theme of the respondents’ replies was that they are worried that the pandemic isolation is harming our congregation’s sense of cohesion as a community. Mostly, parishioners long to see and connect with each other and the clergy.

You can help enhance our sense of community. If you would like to sing in the online videos, contact our organist, Jason Pace. If you would like to read in the videos or outdoors, contact Megan, our church coordinator. If you want to sign up for Christian Essentials, the new Adult Formation group gathering online, contact Cuyler O’Connor.

Gail Christensen
Communications Team

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