Farewell Letter from our Co-interim Rectors

by The Rev. Stephanie Yancy and The Rev. Dr. Cathy Deats

Dear Nativity Friends,

It’s been so much fun to be with you these past eight months as your interim co-rectors. We have watched as you continued to be church without missing a beat. Your always meaningful worship and faithful service to the community have inspired us. Your openness to new things has made it easy for us to fit in as well as to lead.  We have benefitted from what The Rev. Diane Corlett told you, “You can’t make a mistake on the altar.”  This has enabled us to lead worship in a truly centered and holy place.

We have also enjoyed breaking ground in the Diocese by serving as Co-Interim Rectors.  This type of collaborative relationship has not been utilized before, and we are glad to say it worked so well here.

Now you are beginning a different phase of transition. We know you will welcome Grey and his family as warmly as you welcomed us. As you form your relationship with your new priest, please remember that your pastoral relationship with us will be ending.

We are excited to see where the Spirit will lead you.  Be assured that you continue in our prayers.  

Cathy and Stephanie

6 thoughts on “Farewell Letter from our Co-interim Rectors”

  1. The transition may have been a bit more difficult without the kindness, guidance, and support the two of you gave to the Nativity family. I hope you will visit often!

  2. Carolyn S Parker

    It has been our pleasure to get to know you and have you as co-rectors during this time of transition. Thank you both.

  3. Katherine Johnston

    Thank you both for sharing your thoughts, prayers and talents with us. You both have filled my heart each Sunday.

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