Episco101: What you need to know about the Episcopal Church (but maybe didn’t know where to ask)

This Lent, you are invited to bring your questions about being an Episcopalian, and the clergy are going to do their best to answer. Perhaps you have questions like…

  • Why do some people make the sign of the cross during the service and others don’t?
  • What is that motion Deacon David used to make when he announced the Gospel?
  • What is that light above the box on the wall beside the altar?
  • Does the Episcopal Church do a “First Communion” ceremony?

There will be a wooden box in the Narthex for you to place all your questions. Phillip and I will take them and offer answers either in a blog post or a short video each week during Lent. 

Then, on March 26, the Fifth Sunday of Lent, we will hold an open forum after the 10:30 service for any and all questions that have not yet been addressed or asked. 

— The Rev. Stephanie Allen

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