Social Justice Advocacy

Up Coming Events and Programs

  • Nativity / Raleigh-Apex NAACP Scholarship In partnership with the Raleigh-Apex NAACP (who will administer the program), the Nativity / Raleigh-Apex NAACP Scholarship will be open to students from historically marginalized communities who are active in the area of social justice and in need of financial help to go to college.
  • Farm-to-Church Project: A group of members of Nativity have begun working with CSA (Community Social Action) through RAFI (Rural Advancement Foundation International: USA) in support of local farmers of color. Currently there are 14 families who have signed up to receive weekly bundles of fresh produce beginning around April or May, depending on the growth season. If you are interested in becoming a part of this community in the future, please contact Carl Sigel.

Selected Resources in Social Justice Advocacy:

Parenting and Teaching about Racism

Discussing Diversity and Racism with Children (Webpage Resources)

Educating History of Racism and Understand Our Role As White People

Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo (YouTube)

Silence is Not an Option  (Podcast)

For People with Bishop Robert Wright (Podcast)

Slavery by Another Name  (Film)

Environmental Justice

We Must Dismantle Racism to Achieve Social, Environmental and Climate Justice

Climate Equity and Inclusion

Joint statement by Former Vice President Al Gore and Bishop William Barber II on the decision to cancel the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project

Equity and Diversity in Education

Why There’s A Push To Get Police Out Of Schools

NC Conference for Educational Equity

Criminal Justice

North Carolina Supreme Court Requires Review of Racial Bias in Death Penalty Cases

To Serve and Protect: The Police, Race, and the Episcopal Church in the Black Lives Matter Era

The Rev. Gayle Fisher-Stewart on policing, reconciliation, black lives and the church’s role

9 Actions on Police Reform 

“The Pandemic and Prisons ” webinar May7,2020

Episcopal Church Center

Episcopal Diocese of NC

North Carolina Council of Churches

Discussing Diversity and Racism with Children

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