Glad Tidings

Announcement posts

Afghan Refugee Resettlement

Cheryl Waechter Louise Miller and I have now completed our training with the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) and we’re ready to go! Our area is expecting 500 individual Afghan refugees over the next 11 months. That translates to approximately 60-80 families. Our original expectation was that we would have a specific family

Afghan Refugee Resettlement Read More »

Glad Tidings, Outreach

Season of Creation: Opportunities to put our faith to work for the common good.

So, faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. (James 2:17) The devastating extreme weather, racial inequity, and pandemic of this past year are interconnected and provide an indication of how we are living on and treating the Earth and its inhabitants, human and nonhuman.  The Season of Creation, September 1 through October

Season of Creation: Opportunities to put our faith to work for the common good. Read More »

Glad Tidings

Caring for Our Couple Relationship: Peaks and Valleys in Our Relationship

There are “peaks and valleys” in every relationship as we go through our years of being together.  “Peaks” are when all is going smoothly, “Valleys” are when we are struggling or when there is outside stress. Some of these are a normal part of the relationship cycle, like the birth or adoption of a child,

Caring for Our Couple Relationship: Peaks and Valleys in Our Relationship Read More »

Glad Tidings
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