Youth Formation in Lent

We will be trying something new for youth formation during the season of Lent and Easter. Rather than meeting at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings, the youth will gather for formation and support on Thursday evenings.

Middle Schoolers* will meet at Chick-fil-A on Six Forks Rd at 6:30 pm. They are welcome to have dinner there, or get a milkshake or soda when they arrive. They will share highs and lows of the week, play a game or two, engage with the scripture reading from Sunday, and talk about how they see it in their lives. They will have time to share prayer requests, be silly, have fun, and share their lives with one another before pickup time at 7:30 pm.

The High Schoolers will meet at NoRa Café on Strickland Rd at 7 pm. They, too, will share highs and lows, engage with the Sunday gospel reading, and have time for some fun. They will finish up at 8 pm. 

The Lent series will run from March 2 until March 30; the Easter series will run from April 20 until May 25. 

Lent is a wonderful time to make a commitment to re engage with our faith and to start a practice. Rev. Stephanie, Rev. Phillip and the youth leaders are hopeful that meeting at a different time and place, honoring the need for teens to get more sleep on weekends, and limiting sessions to 5 or 6 weeks at a time will help create the space our youth need to engage with their faith and support one another in Christian community. 

— Rev. Stephanie

* Fifth graders are welcome to come to either the Thursday evening program or join the children’s storymakers program on Sunday mornings during church. 

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