The Pentagon, Climate Change and War

Creation Care webinar: The Pentagon, Climate Change and War
A Zoom Forum on January 17 at 12 noon
Carl Sigel

As people of faith, we glimpse the peace of heaven and seek a new world of peace here on earth.  Please join Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle and other sponsors for this Zoom forum with Neta Crawford, Professor of International Relations at the University of Oxford in the U.K., discussing her new book on the Pentagon, the world’s largest single greenhouse gas emitter.  Tracing the U.S. military’s growing consumption of energy, Prof. Crawford calls for a re-conceptualization of foreign policy and military doctrine.  Only such a rethinking, she argues, will break the link between national security and fossil fuels.  Co-sponsored by Highland United Methodist Church Micah 6:8 Team, NC Peace Action and Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle, Campaign Nonviolence, and Veterans for Peace.

Learn more and register here

This webinar is sponsored by Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle (ICCT).

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